100 Heart Touching deep love quotes For Him

Love is often hard to put into words. As Jane Austen wrote in “Persuasion,” “If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.

Fortunately, countless artists and writers have dedicated themselves to capturing this elusive feeling.

Whether you’re looking for the perfect message for your husband, boyfriend, or partner, you can draw inspiration from literature, movies, and music.

From tender love songs to iconic film quotes and literary classics, there’s a wealth of romantic expressions to choose from.

Our best pick

  • “The world is so perfect because of you. Without you, the world would be meaningless.”

  • “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily Brontë

  • “I love you as one loves certain dark things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul.” – Pablo Neruda

  • “I have waited for this opportunity for more than half a century, to repeat to you once again my vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love.”Gabriel Garcia Marquez

  • “Every beat of my heart whispers your name, painting the canvas of my life with the hues of your love.”
  • “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.” – Audrey Hepburn
  • “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”Dr. Seuss

  • “I am yours, don’t give myself back to me.” – Rumi

  • “Where there is love there is life.” – Mahatma Gandhi

  • “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.”Aristotle

  • “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” – David Viscott

  • “In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” – Paul McCartney
love quotes for him
  • “Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.”Osho

Best Love Quotes for Him

LOVE quotes for him

1# “You are not just the love of my life, you are my life itself.” – Unknown

2# “My heart beats for you, my soul craves you, and my entire being is devoted to loving you.” – Unknown

3# “In your arms, I’ve found my forever home, where love knows no bounds.” – Unknown

4# “Our love story is an eternal flame, burning brighter with each passing day.” – Unknown

5# “Whenever I’m alone with you, You make me feel like I am home again.” – The Cure

6# “You are my today and all of my tomorrows.” – Unknown

7# “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you.” – Roy Croft

8# “In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.” – Virginia Woolf

9# “I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.” – Ben Folds

10# “You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known—and even that is an understatement.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

11# “I love you, and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

12# “You are my sun, my moon, and all of my stars.” – E.E. Cummings

13# “I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.” – Roy Croft

14# “To the world, you may be one person, but to me, you are the world.” – Unknown

15# “I’ve fallen in love many times… always with you.” – Unknown

16# “You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.” – Jane Austen

17# “I love you more than there are stars in the sky and fish in the sea.” – Nicholas Sparks

18# “If I know what love is, it is because of you.” – Hermann Hesse

19# “You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning.” – Unknown

20# “I love you more than I can express, and much more than you can ever imagine.” – Unknown

21# “My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never.” – Unknown

22# “You are my paradise, and I would happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.” – Unknown

23# “Every day I’m convinced that I can’t possibly love you more… and every day I’m proven wrong.” – Unknown

24# “You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.” – Arthur Conan Doyle

25# “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.” – Angelita Lim

26# “I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there’s a life after that, I’ll love you then.” – Cassandra Clare

27# “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride.” – Pablo Neruda

28# “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” – Maya Angelou

29# “I love you more than coffee, but please don’t make me prove it.” – Unknown

30# “You’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be.” – Goo Goo Dolls

31# “I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.” – Unknown

32# “If I did anything right in my life, it was when I gave my heart to you.” – Unknown

33# “I love you not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me.” – Roy Croft

34# “You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me and I love you.” – Unknown

35# “I love you more than yesterday, less than tomorrow.” – Rosemonde Gérard

36# “Love is not about how many days, months, or years you have been together. Love is about how much you love each other every single day.” – Unknown

37# “I fell in love with you because you loved me when I couldn’t love myself.” – Unknown

38# “You’re the first person I want to talk to when I wake up and the last person I want to hear from before I go to sleep.” – Unknown

39# “I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” – Paulo Coelho

40# “You are my favorite notification.” – Unknown

41# “I love you more than words can show, I think about you more than you could ever know.” – Unknown

42# “You are the poem I never knew how to write and this life is the story I have always wanted to tell.” – Tyler Knott Gregson

43# “I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul.” – Pablo Neruda

44# “You are my today and all of my tomorrows.” – Leo Christopher

45# “I love you like a fat kid loves cake.” – Scott Adams

46# “I love you with every beat of my heart.” – Unknown

47# “You are the last thought in my mind before I drift off to sleep and the first thought when I wake up each morning.” – Unknown

48# “I wish I could turn back the clock. I’d find you sooner and love you longer.” – Unknown

49# “I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.” – Ben Folds

50# “You are my paradise and I would happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.” – Unknown

51# “I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” – John Green

52# “Life is all about living in a way that each moment becomes a memory.” – Unknown

53# “I am in love with you, and this reality is far better than my dreams.” – Unknown

54# “You are the source of my joy, the center of my world, and the whole of my heart.” – Unknown

55# “I love you very much, probably more than anybody could love another person.” – Woody Allen

56# “Your love is not just a feeling; it’s a profound connection that transcends time and space.” – Unknown

57# “I love you more than coffee, but please don’t make me prove it.” – Elizabeth Evans

58# “I love you, and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

59# “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” – Emily Brontë

60# “True love is knowing a person’s faults and loving them even more for them.” – Unknown

61# “With you, every moment is a timeless tale, and every touch is a chapter etched in the story of us.” – Unknown

62# “The world is so perfect because of you. Without you, the world would be meaningless.” – Unknown

63# “A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

64# “You are my paradise, and I would happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.” – Unknown

65# “I love you as one loves certain dark things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul.” – Pablo Neruda

66# “Every beat of my heart whispers your name, painting the canvas of my life with the hues of your love.” – Unknown

67# “In the dance of life, you are my favorite rhythm, and loving you is the most enchanting melody my heart has ever known.” – Unknown

68# “You being by my side has been much more than gifts and fancy stuff. I am honored to be yours.” – Unknown

69# “Promise me you’ll never forget me because if I thought you would, I’d never leave.” – A.A. Milne

70# “In your arms, I have found my forever home.” – Unknown

71# “Love is not something you find. Love is something that finds you.” – Loretta Young

Love quotes from movies

love quotes for him

1# “You complete me.” — Jerry Maguire (1996)

2# “I’m just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.” — Notting Hill (1999)

3# “I wish I knew how to quit you.” — Brokeback Mountain (2005)

4# “So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.” — The Notebook (2004)

5# “You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.” — Pride and Prejudice (2005)

6# “It would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.” — The Fault in Our Stars (2014)

7# “To me, you are perfect.” — Love Actually (2003)

8# “You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.” — Gone with the Wind (1939)

9# “I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand than eternity without it.” — City of Angels (1998)

10# “Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me… it brought me to you.” — Titanic (1997)

11# “When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” — When Harry Met Sally (1989)

12# “You make me want to be a better man.” — As Good as It Gets (1997)

13# “What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.” — It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

14# “Love means never having to say you’re sorry.” — Love Story (1970)

15# “I vow to fiercely love you in all your forms, now and forever.” — The Vow (2012)

Love Quotes from Books and Poetry

Love Quotes for him

1# “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” — Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

2# “You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.” — Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

3# “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.” — A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

4# “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” — Maya Angelou

5# “We loved with a love that was more than love.” — Edgar Allan Poe, Annabel Lee

6# “I wish you to know that you have been the last dream of my soul.” — Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

7# “Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.” — William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

8# “I am yours, don’t give myself back to me.” — Rumi

9# “So, I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” — Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

10# “He stepped down, trying not to look long at her, as if she were the sun, yet he saw her, like the sun, even without looking.” — Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

11# “I’ve never had a moment’s doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life.” — Ian McEwan, Atonement

12# “Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” — Robert Frost

13# “You are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.” — E.E. Cummings

14# “I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be.” — Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

15# “For you, a thousand times over.” — Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner

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