How To Stay Positive During Difficult Times: 11 Tips
Life is full of ups and downs. It can be easy to find ourselves mired in thoughts of self-doubt, insecurity, and a pessimistic outlook on the future when faced with difficult times.
But what if we could replace these negative sentiments with positive ones? What if we could focus our energies on perceiving situations through a lens of optimism and hope, no matter where our current circumstances might lead us?
It is possible to stay positive during challenging times, even when those around us may feel overwhelmed.
Follow these steps to develop the mindset you need to remain focused on seeing situations from a brighter perspective.
1. Maintain a Positive Outlook
Focusing on the good in your life can help to counteract any negative or pessimistic thoughts that come your way. Believe in yourself and remind yourself of what you have achieved, no matter how small.
2. Be Careful Around Negative People
It’s easy to become bogged down in negative thinking when surrounded by people who are constantly focusing on the downside of situations. If possible, limit contact with people who tend to be overly negative and instead surround yourself with positive-minded individuals.
3. Develop a Positive Attitude

See the silver lining in tough times and focus on what you can learn from the experience.
Having a positive attitude will give you the strength to get through difficult times and stay focused on solutions rather than problems.
Forcing yourself to be positive can build up negative emotions and backfire over time. Allow yourself to feel all your emotions and make space for them.
4. Acknowledge Your Mental Health Needs
Tough times can take their toll on our mental health, so it’s important to recognize when we need extra support to stay positive.
Seeking advice from a mental health professional or talking therapy group can be incredibly helpful for those struggling during dark times.
5. Practice Positive Thinking Techniques

Replace negative thoughts with positive ones whenever they arise and make use of techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and visualization to stay in control of your emotions.
Here are some positive thinking techniques you can use:
• Focus on Solutions – Whenever you face an obstacle, focus your energy on finding a solution instead of dwelling on what’s wrong. This will help to shift your attention away from the problem and give you more clarity about how to move forward.
• Develop Self-Awareness – Be mindful of your thoughts and acceptance of yourself in order to stay positive during hard times. Don’t be too hard on yourself if things don’t go as planned, but remain conscious so that negative thoughts don’t become too pervasive.
• Practice Positive Affirmations – Positive affirmations are powerful statements that help you counter any negative voices inside your head. When practiced regularly, these affirmations can become so ingrained in your mind that they become automatic and reduce stress when adversity arises.
• Seek Support From Others – No one should have to tackle difficult difficulties alone; it’s important to reach out for support from family, friends and even professionals like therapists or counselors who may be able to provide valuable insight during these trying times. Having a strong social support system can also help keep morale high when facing challenges.
6. Spend Time Outdoors
Spending time in nature can have a remarkable effect on our mental and physical health.
According to the University of Minnesota, “Spending time outdoors has been found to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, improve mood, and reduce the risk of depression”.
Here are some of the benefits of taking a breather in nature:
- Restore your energy levels: Being exposed to natural elements can help reduce fatigue, improve alertness and boost your overall energy.
- Enhance creativity: Having access to a different environment outside can provide you with inspiration that you wouldn’t have indoors, making it easier for you to come up with innovative ideas.
- Reduce Stress Levels: Nature helps restore the balance between the body and mind through its calming effect on the senses. Just being surrounded by green elements can lower cortisol levels, decrease blood pressure, and improve breathing.
7. Exercise Regularly
Exercise can help to reduce anxiety and stress, improve your outlook on life, and lift your mood. It also has health benefits such as reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke.
The key to staying positive during difficult times is to focus on what you can control rather than getting stuck in negative thoughts and feelings.
By taking a proactive approach to our mental well-being, we can stay in control of our emotions and make the most out of tough times.
8. Give Yourself a Break
It’s important to remember that it’s okay to take a break from your thoughts and feelings during difficult times.
Allow yourself the time and space to relax and unwind, whether it’s through reading a book, listening to music, going for a walk or simply taking some time out for yourself.
This will help you recharge and come out feeling more positive and ready to tackle any challenges that come your way.
9. Reach Out for Help
It’s important to remember that you don’t have to go through difficult times alone.
Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help from friends, family, or a mental health professional if you need it.
Talking about your worries and concerns can help to make them seem less daunting, and connecting with people who are going through similar experiences can be a great source of comfort.
10. Have Faith in Yourself
In difficult times, it’s easy to lose sight of your own strength and ability to make it through anything life throws your way.
Keep reminding yourself of your strengths and the fact that you have made it through tough situations before.
Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome any obstacle, no matter how difficult or challenging the current situation may be.
11. Find Healthy Ways to Cope
It’s important to find healthy ways to cope with difficult situations.
This might mean engaging in activities such as yoga, journaling, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
Finding a creative outlet can also be helpful, such as writing or painting, as it allows you to express yourself without having to verbalize your feelings.
Studies have also found that listening to music can reduce stress and help to improve mood.
12. Don’t Give Up Hope
It can be easy to feel hopeless during difficult times, but it is important to remember that there is always hope for the future.
No matter how tough the current situation may feel, stay focused on the long-term goal and find ways to stay motivated.
Make plans for the future and take steps towards achieving your goals, no matter how small.