180 Blessings Quotes: Living with Intention and Gratitude
In our busy lives, it’s essential to pause and appreciate our blessings, no matter how small.
To help you express this gratitude, we have gathered a collection of the best blessings quotes for your next post.
And if you’re looking for heartwarming sayings about gratitude, we also have you covered.
Now go ahead and browse through to find your favorite.
Our Favorite Blessings Quotes

“If you’re lucky to have three close people in your life, you’re blessed.” — Tiger Woods
“Everybody has problems, but everybody also has blessings in life.” — Robert W. Bly
“To multiply your joy, count your blessings.” — J. B. Priestley
“Enjoy the blessings of the present & look forward to a brighter tomorrow.” — Dr. Anil Kumar Sinha
“Every day send some blessings to the world. Let there be flow of love” — Amit Ray
“The greatest source of happiness is the ability to be grateful at all times.” — Zig Ziglar
“Blessings sometimes show up in unrecognizable disguises.” — Janette Oke
“Humankind’s greatest blessing is its Humanity.” — Wald Wassermann
“Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace.” — Arianna Huffington
“Giving is the key to living a life of abundant blessings.” — Lailah Gifty Akita
“To find the best comfort, I count my blessings.” — Lailah Gifty Akita
“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” — Henry David Thoreau
“Learn to be thankful for what you already have, while you pursue all that you want.” — Jim Rohn
“You never know where a blessing can come from.” — Teena Marie
“Life is a dance. Mindfulness is witnessing that dance.” — Amit Ray
“It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” — David Steindl-Rast
“The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.” — William Blake
““When you focus on being a blessing, God makes sure that you are always blessed in abundance.” — Joel Osteen
“A blessing is a circle of light drawn around a person to protect, heal and strengthen.” — John O’Donohue
“It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.” — Joseph Addison
“Sometimes we don’t realize the blessings we have until we no longer have them. Appreciate all the blessings in your life, take none for granted.” — Catherine Pulsifer
“We should certainly count our blessings, but we should also make our blessings count.” — Neil A. Maxwell
“How blessings brighten as they take their flight.” — Edward Young
“Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings.” — Publilius Syrus
“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” — Willie Nelson
“If you want to reap financial blessings, you have to sow financially.” — Joel Osteen
“If you expect the blessings of God, be kind to His people.” — Abu Bakr
“Over and over I marvel at the blessings of my life: Each year has grown better than the last.” — Lawrence Welk
“When you are grateful – when you can see what you have – you unlock blessings to flow in your life.” — Suze Orman
“Count your blessings. You are one of a kind. There’s no one in the world like you. You are amazing.” — Richard Simmons
“Don’t block your blessings. Don’t let doubt stop you from getting where you want to be.” — Jennifer Hudson
“It is one of the blessings of this world that few people see visions and dream dreams.” — Zora Neale Hurston
“Material blessings, when they pay beyond the category of need, are weirdly fruitful of headache.” — Philip Wylie
“When we lose one blessing, another is often most unexpectedly given in its place.” — C.S. Lewis
“Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayer and worn with thanks.” — Thomas Goodwin
“Blessings sometimes show up in unrecognizable disguises.” — Janette Oke
“Some wish blessings, others pray for them. Some send blessings and they become one.” — Joyce C. Lock
“Better to lose count while naming your blessings than to lose your blessings to counting your troubles.” — Maltbie D. Babcock
“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.” — W. T. Purkiser
“All the blessings we enjoy are Divine deposits, committed to our trust on this condition, that they should be dispensed for the benefit of our neighbors.” — John Calvin
“Of the blessings you discover in your life, none are any greater than the other. Each has equal value in and of itself to be appreciated for what it is.” — Sumner M. Davenport
“If this is a blessing, it is certainly very well disguised.” — Winston Churchill
“For blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds, And though a late, a sure reward succeeds.” — William Congreve
“Blessings are more cherished by those who bear the spirit of gratitude.” — Edmond Mbiaka
“Every Blessing Ignored Becomes A Curse.” — Paulo Coelho
“Anything is a blessing which makes us pray.” — Charles Spurgeon
“Some of your greatest blessings come with patience.” — Warren Wiersbe
“It is good for us to think that no grace or blessing is truly ours till we are aware that God has blessed some one else with it through us.” — Phillips Brooks
“No blessing lasts forever.” — Titus Maccius Plautus
“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.” — Oscar Wilde
“There are no mistakes, no coincidences, all events are blessings given to us to learn from.” — Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
“Blessings fall on ground that’s been plowed in praise.” — Janet Larson
“Nothing raises the price of a blessing like its removal; whereas, it was its continuance which should have taught us its value.” — Henry Moore
“What a blessing it would be if we could open and shut our ears as easily as we open and shut our mouths.” — Georg Lichtenberg
“If you beseech a blessing upon yourself, beware! lest without intent you invoke a curse upon a neighbor at the same time.” — Mark Twain
“The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.” — Eric Hoffer
“It is a very mixed blessing to be brought back from the dead.” — Kurt Vonnegut
“Sometimes small setbacks are just blessings in disguise. They enhance your determination and whole-hearted dedication to achieving your goals.” — Robert Cheeke
“Having a place to go – is a home. Having someone to love – is a family. Having both – is a blessing.” — Donna Hedges
“Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don’t unravel.” — unknown
“The blessings we evoke for another descend upon ourselves.” — Edmund Gibson
“Of the blessings set before you make your choice, and be content.” — Samuel Johnson
“Reflect upon your present blessings of which every man has many not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” — Charles Dickens
“Our greatest blessing is the fortune of good friends, being loved, and loving others.” — Alan Robert Neal
“If you want blessing, make a room for it.” — James Hudson Taylor
“Quit being sad. Hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you.” — Rumi
“Count your blessings, not your problems. Count your own blessings, not someone else’s. Remember that jealousy is when you count someone else’s blessings instead of your own.” — Roy T. Bennett
“You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings.” — Elizabeth Gilbert
“When you wish someone joy, you wish them peace, love, prosperity, happiness… all the good things.” — Maya Angelou
“Some of your greatest blessings come with patience.” — Warren Wiersbe
“Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that thankfulness is indeed a virtue.” — William Bennett
“Every day is a blessing.” — Olivia Culpo
“I’m too grateful to be hateful. I am too blessed to be stressed.” — El DeBarge
“Count your blessings. A grateful heart attracts more joy, love, and prosperity.” — Cheryl Richardson
“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” — Henri Matisse
“I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.” — William Shakespeare
“There’s a blessing in everything that happens to us.” — Kamaru Usman
“Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.” — Hansa Proverb
“You will be blessed the moment you realize you already are.” — Bryant McGill
“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” — Cynthia Ozick
“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” — Maya Angelou
“If the only prayer you ever say in your life is ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” — Meister Eckhart
“Being blessed is a condition of the heart and a frame of mind.” — Errin Rhorie
“The ripples of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the Universe.” — Amit Ray
“Those who make time for others are forever blessed.” — Margo Vader
“The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.” — Mary Davis
“Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.” — Abraham Joshua Heschel
“What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude.” — Brené Brown
“Be thankful for the infinitesimal thing that you have. Learn to value the blessings.” — Giridhar Alwar
“Through the eyes of gratitude, everything is a miracle.” — Mary Davis
“When I look back on my life as a whole, it is impossible for me not to feel blessed.” — George Best
“This new day has greeted us with no rules; unconditional opportunity. Do not dilute the power of this new day with the hardship of yesterday. Greet this day the way it has greeted you; with open arms and endless possibility.” — Steve Maraboli
“Concentrate on counting your blessings and you’ll have little time to count anything else.” — Woodrow Kroll
“An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” — Henry David Thoreau
“If we counted our blessings instead of our money, we would all be rich.” — Linda Poindexter
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” — Marcus Aurelius
“Be grateful for the tiny details of your life and make room for unexpected and beautiful blessings.” — Henry Van Dyke
“Count your blessings and you’ll find that they are numerous.” — Aysel Gunar
“Be grateful for experiences and blessings in your life. Commit to your goals, but don’t forget to enjoy the journey that takes you to your end goal.” — Aysel Gunar
“The best philosophy is to do one’s duties, to take the world as it comes, submit respectfully to one’s lot, and bless the goodness that has given us so much happiness with it, whatever it is.” — Horace Walpole
“Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness. He has a work, a life-purpose… Get your happiness out of your work or you will never know what real happiness is… Even in the meanest sorts of labor, the whole soul of a man is composed into a kind of real harmony the instant he sets himself to work.” — Thomas Carlyle
“The unthankful heart… discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!” — Henry Ward Beecher
“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” — Marianne Williamson
“Most of my major disappointments have turned out to be blessings in disguise. So whenever anything bad does happen to me, I kind of sit back and feel, well, if I give this enough time, it’ll turn out that this was good, so I shan’t worry about it too much.” — William Gaines
“The difficulties, hardships and trials of life, the obstacles… are positive blessings. They knit the muscles more firmly, and teach self-reliance.” — William Matthews
“Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.” — Abraham Heschel
“Private and personal blessings we enjoy—the blessings of immunity, safeguard, liberty and integrity—deserve the thanksgiving of a whole life.” — Jeremy Taylor
“I am convinced, the longer I live, that life and its blessings are not so entirely unjustly distributed as when we are suffering greatly we are inclined to suppose.” — Mary Todd Lincoln
“A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive. Having been alive, it won’t be so hard in the end to lie down and rest.” — Pearl Bailey
“For we must share, if we would keep, that blessing from above; Ceasing to give, we cease to have; such is the law of love.” — Richard C. Trench
“To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings.” — Mary Baker Eddy
“Our prayers should be for blessings in general, for God knows best what is good for us.” — Socrates
“Ask God’s blessing on your work, but don’t ask him to do it for you.” — Dame Flora Robson
“All the great blessings of my life are present in my thoughts today.” — Phoebe Cary
“No one can give what he or she hasn’t received. So as we are blessed, we bless the world giving thanks for every living thing.” — Helen Schucman
“I am grateful for what I am and have. My thanksgiving is perpetual… O how I laugh when I think of my vague indefinite riches. No run on my bank can drain it, for my wealth is not possession but enjoyment.” — Henry David Thoreau
“The Blessing of God rest upon all those who have been kind to us, have cared for us, have worked for us, have served for us, and have shared our bread with us at this table.” — Saint Cyril
“For peaceful homes, and healthful days, / For all the blessings Earth displays, / We owe Thee thankfulness and praise, / Giver of all!” — Christopher Wadsworth
“The real issue in life is not how many blessings we have, but what we do with our blessings. Some people have many blessings and hoard them. Some have few and give everything away.” — Fred Rogers
“May blessings be upon your house, / Your roof and hearth and walls; / May there be lights to welcome you / When evening’s shadow falls— / The love that like a guiding star / Still signals when you roam; / A book, a friend—these be the things / That make a house a home.” — Myrtle Reed
“Ye fearful saints fresh courage take, / The clouds ye so much dread / Are big with mercy, and shall break / In blessings on your head.” — William Cowper
“All praise to thee, my God, this night, / For all the blessings of the light; / Keep me, O keep me, King of Kings, / Beneath thy own almighty wings.” — Thomas Ken
“Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.” — Native American Saying
“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.” — William Penn
“Blessings star forth forever; but a curse is like a cloud, it passes.” — Philip James Bailey
“When God at first made man, / Having a glass of blessings standing by; / Let us (said he) pour on him all we can: / Let the world’s riches, which dispersed lie, / Contract into a span.” — George Herbert
“As the years pass, I am coming more and more to understand that it is the common everyday blessings of our common everyday lives for which we should be particularly grateful.” — Laura Ingalls Wilder
Feeling Blessed Sayings
Counting my blessings and savoring every moment.
Blessed moments
Grateful for loved ones who make my heart smile.
Cherishing every blessing
Overflowing blessings
A day without gratitude is like… just kidding, I have no idea
Blessings upon blessings.
Blessed with the best
Overflowing with gratitude today and everyday
Overflowing with thanks, spilling good vibes
Today’s good mood is sponsored by gratitude
Memories like these deserve a lifetime of thanks
Feeling truly blessed
Thankful for the little things that make life unbearably cute.
Feeling like the richest with all this love
Thankful for this beautiful journey
Grateful heart. Full life.
Grateful for the sun that warms my soul and the stars that light my nights.
Blessings are like seeds; the more we share, the more they grow.
Finding joy in the little things—each moment is a treasure.
Grateful for the journey and the lessons learned along the way.
Blessed with the love of family and the laughter of friends.
Every breath I take is a blessing I choose to cherish.
Embracing the beauty in simplicity and the joy in the mundane.
Surrounded by love, wrapped in gratitude.
Every moment spent in gratitude is a moment well spent.
Blessed with abundance in every form—love, laughter, and light.
Today’s blessings are tomorrow’s memories—savor them.
Feeling blessed by the little miracles that fill my day.
Grateful for the challenges that teach resilience and strength.
Every sunset is a reminder of the blessings of the day.
Counting blessings, not just for today, but for every single heartbeat.
Blessed beyond measure
Counting my blessings, not my problems
Serving up a platter of pure appreciation
Grateful for today’s giggles and tomorrow’s hopes
Gratitude: the best attitude
Counting blessings, not calories, on my plate of happiness
Grateful for all the blessings in my life.
Blessings abound
Sipping on gratitude like it’s my morning coffee
So abundantly blessed by my crew’s love and shenanigans
Gratitude, the secret ingredient to my happiness recipe.
Counting blessings, spreading love.
Gratitude is the fairest blossom from my soul’s garden
Reflecting on my blessings, and oh boy, it’s a long list
Embracing the lovely chaos of everyday life
Life’s a journey with a lovely destination of gratitude
Feeling blessed
Blessed beyond words
Choosing to see the blessings in every situation
Counting my blessings and they’re all in my feed
Do not disturb – basking in gratefulness
Blessed and blissful
Blessed with the best tribe in town