45 Haunted Mansion Quotes to Spook Up Your Halloween

As fall approaches, movie selections grow eerily enticing.

Among the most anticipated is the Haunted Mansion remake.

Originally based on the Disneyland ride and starring Eddie Murphy, the original left big shoes to fill.

Yet, the thrilling new trailer has sparked great excitement, making it a perfect time to explore these 45 Haunted Mansion quotes

Best Favorite Sayings and Quotes From Haunted Mansion

Haunted Mansion Quotes

“No, it’s not an earthquake. You just passed gas.”

“You should never judge a book by its cover.”

“Don’t you know there are… hitchhiking ghosts in here?”

“I am Madame Leota. Seer of all, keeper of the spirits.”

“Now, be careful. The spirits will materialize only if you remain quietly seated.”

“There are some who say the mansion is haunted.”

“You should have gone left. Everybody knows you go left!”

“You try carrying 999 restless spirits around in your body all the time!”

“Why do I get the feeling that we’ve picked up another hitchhiker?”

“Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion. I am your host, your ghost host.” – The Ghost Host

“Your cadaverous pallor betrays an aura of foreboding, almost as though you sense a disquieting metamorphosis. Is this haunted room actually stretching?” – The Ghost Host

“When hinges creak in doorless chambers, and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls. Whenever candlelights flicker where the air is deathly still — that is the time when ghosts are present, practicing their terror with ghoulish delight!” – The Ghost Host

“Serpents and spiders, tail of a rat, call in the spirits, wherever they’re at!” – Madame Leota

“They have selected you to fill our quota, and they’ll haunt you until you return! Now I will raise the safety bar, and a ghost will follow you home!” – The Ghost Host

“Wait a minute. You’re telling me this guy is dead, and the only reason we were brought here is he wants to get jiggy with my wife.” – Jim Evers

“Dark spirits from the grave come forth. Lift us from the black. And show us, show us the way back.” – Madame Leota

“999 souls that reside here but there’s always room for one more!” – Hatbox Ghost

“Where death is not an ending but a new beginning.” – Madame Leota

“Welcome, foolish mortals, to the Haunted Mansion!”

“There’s no turning back now!”

“Dark spirits, send us a message. Speak!”

“I’m a little more interested in living people, thank you!”

“You try living with a guy who’s seen ‘It’s a Small World’ 20,000 times.”

“I’ve seen happier faces on cashiers at the DMV!”

“I’m made of spare parts! Remember that!”

“There’s a fine line between denial and… stupidity.”

“You know, I could never share a bathroom. It’s just something I do alone.”

“We have 999 happy haunts here, but there’s room for a thousand. Any volunteers?”

“I don’t have a pulse, but I’m still a person!”

“That’s it. I draw the line at creepy talking statues.”

“It’s showtime!”

“This house has secrets, you know. Hidden passages, dark secrets.”

“When hinges creak in doorless chambers, and strange and frightening sounds echo through the halls…”

“You can’t run from yourself, no matter how far you go.”

“Now, there’s nothing wrong with you that a little Electro-Shock Therapy can’t cure.”

“This place is haunted, isn’t it?”

“We may have our disagreements, but deep down, we’re still a family.”

“To escape the darkness, you must find the light within.”

“I believe, I believe, it’s silly but I believe!”

Deep Haunt Themed Quotes

Haunted Mansion Quotes

“One need not be a chamber to be haunted. One need not be a house. The brain has corridors surpassing material place.” – Emily Dickinson

“Monsters are real, ghosts are real too. They live inside us, and sometimes, they win.” – Stephen King

“Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.” – Edgar Allan Poe

“There are horrors beyond life’s edge that we do not suspect, and once in a while man’s evil prying calls them just within our range.” – H.P. Lovecraft

“The world outside had its own rules and those rules were not human.” – Michel Houellebecq

“We make our own monsters, then fear them for what they show us about ourselves.” – Mike Carey and Peter Gross

“Stare at the dark too long and you will eventually see what isn’t there.”

“Everyone is a moon and has a dark side, which he never shows to anybody.” – Mark Twain

“Even the bravest souls tread cautiously in the presence of haunted mansions.” – Unknown

“In haunted mansions, the spirits yearn to share their untold stories.”

“Haunted mansions are portals to the twilight realm, where spirits roam free.”

“Within the walls of haunted mansions, specters of the past find refuge.”

“Haunted mansions hold secrets like a silent heart holds its whispers.”

“In haunted mansions, time weaves a tapestry of forgotten memories.”

“Haunted mansions are lighthouses for lost souls, guiding them through the darkness.”

“In haunted mansions, the night is alive with the echoes of history.”

“Haunted mansions are where the line blurs between reality and the supernatural.” – Unknown

“Within the haunted mansions’ embrace, the living walk alongside the dead.”

“Haunted mansions are the enigmatic palaces of the ethereal realm.”

“In the quietude of haunted mansions, the spirits find their voice.”

“Haunted mansions are like riddles waiting to be solved by brave souls.”

“Within the walls of haunted mansions, the past never truly dies.”

“Haunted mansions are windows into the world of the otherworldly.”

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