106 September Quotes to Welcome a New Month

September is a special time.

As the hot days of summer start to cool down, the air gets a bit sharper, the leaves change colors, and the days get shorter.

It’s like everything slowly starts to change. September can make us feel excited for what’s coming, but also a little sad for what we’re leaving behind.

To capture what this month feels like, I’ve put together some quotes all about September.

Whether you’re looking forward to the new season or missing the summer, these words can help you say hello to September.

Inspirational September Quotes

Inspirational September Quotes

1# “Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures…” — Henry David Thoreau

2# “Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons.” — Jim Bishop

3# “The beginning is the most important part of the work.” — Plato

4# “By all these lovely tokens, September days are here, with summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer.” — Helen Hunt Jackson

5# “I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house.” — Nathaniel Hawthorne

6# “I hope I can be the autumn leaf, who looked at the sky and lived. And when it was time to leave, gracefully it knew life was a gift.” — Dodinsky

7# “It isn’t where you came from. It’s where you’re going that counts.” — Ella Fitzgerald

8# “Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.” — Jim Rohn

9# “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” — Albert Schweitzer

10# “Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.” — William Butler Yeats

11# “September tries its best to have us forget summer.” — Bernard Williams

12# “Always do what you are afraid to do.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

13# “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” — Confucius

14# “Of all the seasons, autumn offers the most to man and requires the least of him.” — Hal Borland

15# “If you run, then allow those first few breaths on a cool Autumn day to FREEZE your lungs and do not just be alarmed, be ALIVE.” — Kyle Lake

16# “And all at once, summer collapsed into fall.” — Oscar Wilde

17# “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald

18# “Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.” — Unknown

19# “September is the month of dreams and beginnings.” — Unknown

20# “Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” — Emily Brontë

21# “The whisper of the falling leaves beckons us to new paths and adventures.” — Unknown

22# “Let us dance in the sun, wearing wildflowers in our hair… and let us huddle together as darkness takes over. We are at home amidst the leaves.” — Susan Polis Schutz

23# “Embrace the crisp September air, let it fill your lungs and inspire you.” — Unknown

24# “September: a month where change is palpable, and the promise of renewal is in the air.” — Unknown

25# “September! I never tire of turning it over and over in my mind. It has warmth, depth, and color. It glows like old amber.” — Patience Strong

Hello September Quotes

Hello September Quotes

1# “September the golden threshold between summer and winter” — Meeta Ahluwalia

2# “Let’s strive to be better in September!” — Charmaine J. Forde

3# “Let’s all be nice to September.” — Nitya Prakash

4# “And then the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep, and Autumn was awaked.” — Raquel Franco

5# “Goodbye Agust. It’s a new month with new hope and a new spirit. Hello September! Please, be good to me.”

6# “Hello, September! Now, the days are going to be hotter and the nights even longer.”

7# “Outside the leaves on the trees constricted slightly; they were the deep done green of the beginning of autumn. It was a Sunday in September. There would only be four. The clouds were high and the swallows would be here for another month or so before they left for the south before they returned again next summer.” — Ali Smith

8# “Goodbye August, and a big hello to September.”

9# “Hello, September! Let fall begin.”

10# “September stands on the doorstep with her suitcase of colors, waiting patiently to paint the world in hues of gold and amber.”

11# “With the fading of summer, September brings a fresh start and a gentle reminder that change can be beautiful.”

12# “September days have the warmth of summer in their briefer hours, but in their lengthening evenings a prophetic breath of autumn.” — Rowland E. Robinson

13# “September is a reminder that every end marks a new beginning, whispering possibilities in the chill of its morning air.”

14# “As September arrives, it whispers of the crisp days ahead, filled with promise and golden afternoons.”

15# September, a beautiful chapter waiting to be written.

16# “September invites us to savor the remaining warmth while welcoming the cool embrace of autumn.”

17# “In September, the world is art, painted with a palette of leaves about to turn.”

18# “In many ways, September feels like the busiest time of the year: The kids go back to school, work piles up after the summer’s dog days, and Thanksgiving is suddenly upon us.” — Brene Brown

Short September Quotes for Instagram

short september quotes for instagram

1# “I used to love September, but now it just rhymes with remember.” — Dominic Riccitello

2# “I love September, especially when we’re in it.” — Willie Stargell

3# “Autumn is the antidote to stifling summer.” — Terri Guillemets

4# “It was September. In the last days when things are getting sad for no reason.” — Ray Bradbury

5# “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald

6# “September tries its best to have us forget summer.” — Bernard Williams

7# “Only lovers see the fall, a signal end to endings.” — Maya Angelou

8# “All the months are crude experiments, out of which the perfect September is made.” — Virginia Woolf

9# “Autumn seemed to arrive suddenly that year.” — J.K. Rowling

10# “Autumn… the year’s last, loveliest smile.” — William Cullen Bryant

11# “Autumn lingered on as if fond of its own perfection.” — Winston Graham, Ross Poldark

12# “Autumn passes and one remembers one’s reverence.” — Yoko Ono

13# “September tries its best to have us forget summer.” — Bernard Williams

14# “September was a thirty-days long goodbye to summer.” — Lea Malot

15# “Happily we bask in this warm September sun, which illuminates all creatures…” — Henry David Thoreau

16# “If the leaves are changing, I feel poetry in the air.” — Laura Jaworski

17# “It was September, and there was a crackly feeling to the air.” — Carolyn Parkhurst

18# “September showed up right on schedule, and lasted a whole month.” — Jenny Wingfield

19# “Ah, September! You are the doorway to the season that awakens my soul.” — Peggy Toney Horton

20# “September is the other January.” — Gretchen Rubin

21# “I love September, especially when we’re in it.” — Willie Stargell

22# “Let’s strive to be better in September!” — Charmaine J. Forde

23# “But the days grow short when you reach September.” — Maxwell Anderson

24# “Let’s all be nice to September.” — Nitya Prakash

New Month Quotes

1# “September: Chapter 9 of 12.”

2# “Cheers to a new month and another chance for us to get it right.” — Oprah Winfrey

3# “I wish you a beautiful new month from the first day of this month to the last day.” – J. K. Rowling

4# “A new month is a new beginning, and a chance to start again. Don’t waste it.”

5# “May this new month bring you wisdom, courage, and strength to make your dreams a reality.”

6# “Every moment is a fresh beginning.” — T.S. Eliot

7# “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu

8# “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” — George Eliot

9# “A new month marks a new beginning and a fresh start.” — Winifred Kal

10# “The start of a new month is a reminder that we can always begin anew, and create the life we want.” — Deepak Chopra

11# “Here’s to a new month, a fresh start, and a chance to make it an amazing one.” — Ellen DeGeneres

12# “May this new month be filled with love, laughter, and all the things that bring you joy.” — Lady Gaga

13# “A new month is a chance to rewrite your story, and make it a bestseller.” — Richard Branson

14# “Let this new month bring great miracles, new visions and greater blessings for you and your beloved ones.” – Rajesh Goyal

15# “The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” — J.P. Morgan

16# “The object of a new month is not that we should have a new month…we should have a new soul.” — G. K. Chesterton

17# “New month, new intentions, new goals, new love, new light, and new beginnings.” – April Mae Monterrosa

18# “It is worth taking the time to stop and contemplate at the beginning of each new month.” – Nadine Locke

19# “Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings.” — Ralph Blum

20# “Drop the last month into the silent limbo of the past and thank God that it can go.” — Brooks Atkinson

21# “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” — Carl Bard

22# “Every morning a new sun greets us and our new life begins.” — Marty Rubin

23# “Let, from this month onwards, your days become happier, fulfilling, and joyful.” – Rajesh Goyal

24# “Keep on beginning and failing. Each time you fail, start all over again, and you will grow stronger until you have accomplished a purpose — not the one you began with perhaps, but one you’ll be glad to remember.” — Anne Sullivan

September Sayings

1# “May your month of September be filled with wonderful blessings of good health, love, peace, happiness, and prosperity.”

2# “September shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.”

3# “As September arrives, so does the freshness of new beginnings.”

4# “Some days are cool while others are hot; September is the month we are talking about.”

5# “Let September set your dreams aflame with autumn’s vibrant hues.”

6# “Welcome September, with its pages unturned and days undreamed.”

7# “The beauty of autumn lies in every leaf turning into a beautiful flower creating a mesmerizing combination.”

8# “Make your July good, August better, and the month of September best.”

9# “Cherish the serene clarity that September mornings bring.”

10# “Embrace the golden glow of September as summer whispers goodbye.”

11# “September: a canvas of oranges, yellows, and browns, painted by nature’s own brush.”

12# “In the coolness of September, find the warmth of new opportunities.”

13# “September’s crispness renews the spirit and calms the soul.”

14# Stressed, blessed, pumpkin obsessed.

15# It’s September so I’m off enjoying fall.

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